We’re very interested in finding and sharing good wine pairings here at Cooking Chat. The majority of our recipes come with wine pairing suggestions, as you may have noticed. Folks often find their way to Cooking Chat by Googling for a wine pairing idea. So we thought it was time to build out some pages to help visitors find good wine pairings. This will be a (fun) work in progress, so be sure to stop back for new wine pairing ideas. As of now, we have pages for:
The posts we link to from these wine pairing pages contain a recipe and a wine that we have found pairs well with the dish. Of course, you can replicate our pairings in their entirety. But more likely, you will find it as a good basis to come up with your own pairing. For instance, after reading us waxing eloquently on the merits of pesto paired with Sauvignon Blanc, you might whip up some pesto and pair it with the Sauvignon Blanc you have chilling in your fridge.
Most of the links here go to Cooking Chat posts, but we do sprinkle in a few suggestions from some of our wine pairing savvy blogging friends.